To bring this research to near present day, I purchased the Usborne Farmyard Tales Children’s Cookbook, published in 2007.
This cookbook is interesting, and unlike others I have seen, as the recipes are
framed by a narrative. Before introducing the contents page of the recipes
featured within the book, readers are introduced to “apple tree farm” (1) and
those that reside there. The characters are intended to guide readers through
this cookbook, and yet this format can arguably make it ambiguous as to whether
this is a story book or not. Framing the book in this way does perhaps ensure a
child’s engagement with it. The idea of a story being read from the beginning
to end will encourage a child to work through all the recipes featured.
However, this narrative format that is set out in the beginning of the book is
not sustained throughout, nor is it brought to a conclusion at the end.
The way in which it is similar to the My Learn to Cookbook from 1967 is its reliance on pictures and
illustrations to convey its ideals. It does however, have a greater use of
colour and inclusion of photos, which is perhaps illustrative of the changing
In order to compare the effectiveness of recipes between
this book and one I have previously studied, I thought I would attempt to make “Picnic
Cookies”. Noticeably, the recipe contains more steps in its recipes than the
older cookbook. However, recipes from both cookbooks were
simple and easy to follow, and resulted in a successful final product.
Works Cited
Atkinson, C, R. Denny, & J,
Kirby-Jones. Usborne Farmyard Tales, Children's Cookbook. London:
Usborne Publishing, 2007. Print.
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